Prior to reading some of the articles on the use of wiki's I do not believe I had heard of any thing, outside of wikipedia, quite like it.  The idea of being able to edit a piece of information collaboratively can have many uses.  Anytime a group of people (friends, cohorts, committee's, church groups, etc.) need to coordinate and organize a list of ideas, thoughts, or facts wiki provides an online option.  The fact that the use is online allows interaction anytime and anywhere.

Perhaps the greatest variable to the use of wiki's is the ease of use.  Users do not need to have an intimate knowledge of computer coding (which I do not care to elaborate on because I know nothing about it).  It sounds like it is the perfect tool for people like me who have a base understanding (but growing) of computer and online technology.  Wiki technology, along with blogging and social media, seems to be a fast growing source of connecting with others in professional and personal environments.

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